

AA Medallions

AA Speakers

AA Newcomers Packet


AA Speakers


A few of my favorite speakers.



Dr Paul O. Fort Worth 1990 Discusses the writing of Dr. Alcoholic Addict - humorous - must hear
 Dr. Paul O. Cancun 1995
Bonnie S. Gold Quartz Grp 1983

 Clint H. Monterey Ca 1976 Bonnie S. gave me this in Dec 1977 So helpful. Any Clint Hodges fans this is one that can't be found anywhere, at least at this writing.

Mama Lou Originally from the hole in the wall group. She and her husband were so helpful to me. This is probably the only speaker recording of her, so glad I found this in a box of CD's a friend gave me.  this is on two tracks, I should edit it into one but until I do.  Mama Lou Trk1    -  Mama Lou Trk 2